Wondering who this girl is? I do not know. I however know how much I covet her blazer, hair and shoes. All shot for an epic editorial.
(Src: David Shama)
I do not claim to own any of these images and give appropriate credit to their sole owners.*However, I do tend to resize, alter the coloring or simply Photoshop them to look their best.
Please credit me when used.Thank you, Cat Wallace.
i like her too!
The girl is Yulia T @ Metropolitan models Paris.
i still want that aa striped zipper leotard. it would go with everything!
THANKS for commenting my blog, DAVID! :)
she screams it girl. amazing look!
love the braids! she is beautiful
{uninhibited fashion}
she does good poses but she isn't expressive..
This editorial is amazing! She is wearing the shoes I've been wanting for so long.
Isn;t she the coolest!!!
The braid....
Wow she's gorgeous and the braid works on her.
The first photo is so beautiful- reminds me of something Knightcat would blog about/love as well =)
hahaha knightcat copied YOU your 1st you won like the images you posted better anyway but your both SICK bloggerssss KEEP EM ROCKING OUT, princesss =)))))
i want to try her braid out :-)
s x d
Love the braid!!!!!!!
Emilie from http://whatshappeninginmyfashionworld.blogspot.com/
great pictures!!
-He approves
LOLA- really?? I love her blog that's awesome if I inspired HER in any way :)
does anyone know who the shoes are by?
see by Chloe maybe? ^
i love this, especially the first one. anyone figure out who she is yet??
She is so gorgeous. I love her hair
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