
Viktor Vautier's Girl!

Who is she? Like (TobaccoandLeather) I want to know!!!



tobaccoandleather said...

isn't it annoying!! she is literally one of the pretiest things i have ever seen. Her face reminds me of Natasha Poly slighty..

thanks for the link hun :)


brittany said...

i love her! viktors in loveee with her

shes a beaut

lauh-ren said...

and where are her tights from?!?!?! ahhh i lufff them!

Jessica said...

i thought this was you for a sec...started getting a bit jealous! : ) She is really pretty...i've never her seen before, so i won't be much help!
I love your blog btw. we should link

Fashionista Diary said...

holy crap! she is beautiful, she has such a stunning face xo


Anonymous said...

i like the last picture :)

Anonymous said...

LOVING her cheekbones!

kaitlyn said...

hottt pictures. i'm so in love. major girl crush. haha.


i wanna know where her tights are from too, lauh-ren ???

viktor must love her, haha brittany

me too mademoiselle chic :)

kaitlin very girl crushy!! :)

jennifer said...

Oh I have no idea, but she's stunning.

The beautiful and glammed said...

She is called Grace Small and she models with Select and lives in London xxx

tobaccoandleather said...

hey, seems like we now know who she is thanks to the beautiful and the glammed! off we go to google and fashion spot her!


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