Sky Ferreira: French pop / Dutch pop / Chinese pop singer.
Cool girl with a cool voice and an even cooler Sense of Style!
Cool girl with a cool voice and an even cooler Sense of Style!
I do not claim to own any of these images and give appropriate credit to their sole owners.*However, I do tend to resize, alter the coloring or simply Photoshop them to look their best.
Please credit me when used.Thank you, Cat Wallace.
wow, she's gorgeous! I love that last pic of her!
She's so pretty, very MK-esque. I'm diggin' her style.
cute pictures
I've seen one of those photos before, I thought she looked like a model
ah i know her, she have amazin voices!!
she's so pretty. gorgeous eyes
she is so cute! i love your blog! :)
check out mine:
Yes! A shoe walk-in > a diamond ring any day. ;)
She is soooooo pretty! I love the first image best; hair & fluffy cat. LOVE :)
Cool images! I love everything about her! xxooxox
lovee her! so adorable!
She is really cute and rough at the same time
also everyone in LA (anyone who knows her in person) hates her because she's a name dropper liar / try too hard social climbing skank that tries to be cory kennedy but of course anyone over the internet like her just because of her fat shaved pictures.
she looks better then that burger
great pictures
Cory Kennedy is ugly and trashy and just ugly why would this pretty girl want to be her?
She looks so sweet!
shes so cool. shes so cool.
i love sky!! she looks like mary kate olsen in the first photo.
isn't she like 17 too??
that jacket in the last photo is great!
That is one pissed off looking cat lol. That pic made my day thanks!!
first of anonmouyus it sounds like your a very insecure jealous person it is obvious you dont know her i and she is hardly trjing to cory kennedy she has she has an amazing voice and some talent but whats nice she grabbed your attention . and she definately is not heavy
she isnt hardly a skank or trying to be corey kennedy she has an amazing voice
sky is beautiful i love her she is amazing so whoever u r that thinks she wants to be cory kennedy get a grip on yourself
sky is beautiful i love her she is amazing so whoever u r that thinks she wants to be cory kennedy get a grip on yourself
i read an anonymous comment up a few, and some of their claims are true. sky is very much a name dropper. though yes she does have a talented singing voice, she is simply just another hollywood girl trying too hard to make it big.
i have known sky for all sixteen years of her life and sky has never been a name dropper .so i think who ever you are that has so much to say about her obvious does not know sky . i have watched sky work on her music from a very young age. and was not out partying she worked on her music , and she is no comparsion to cory kennedy and would never want to be her so dont talk about somebody you dont know. like i said i have know her all sixteen years of her life it is people like you that must be miserable .
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