Terry's Diary
I do not claim to own any of these images and give appropriate credit to their sole owners.*However, I do tend to resize, alter the coloring or simply Photoshop them to look their best.
Please credit me when used.Thank you, Cat Wallace.
cool indeed
xx fashionchalet.net
gosh i love her!
that's one cute boy in the second pic.
Mustart x
she stunning...even without make up and bedhair!
love these kinda photos so natural and laid back
freja = love. :) thanks for sharing!
the right kind of messiness!!
i love her hair! Obsessed, drooling over her hair!
visit me on:
She def is one cool cat
Freja is just perfect.
So beautiful, I can't help but gawk
xo www.fashion-feline.blogspot.com
looks like a rolling stone, pretty cool
she's so beautiful its ridiculous.
cool cats indeed
In the first shot it seems entirely likely the girl will put her cigarette out on your face.
Then, with the addition of a boy, she softens.
is that a quitar necklace? i'm lovin it!
freja is the best !
siccuramente e molto bella la ragazza ma e molto insolitta come viso,particolare.http://greatstylesonthestreets.blogspot.com/
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