She is either loved or hated by other women. Me? I'm torn... but, I will say her eyes and I know I'm hot but don't care attitude kind of get me every time. One last note, is it just me or do Megan Fox and Jennie Garth share the same teeny-tiny voice?
(Src: google)
(Src: google)
I love fashion & rock music. Your blog is fan-freaking-tastic. Following you on my twitter, thanks for bringing some fashion life to Kansas.
megan fox is hott...it's just sometimes she says the most ludicrous things at times
I don't normally find her anything other than average looking (if not extremely overly made up) but I will say the middle picture you posted is really exceptional. She may just be one of those people who is most attractive when they're trying the least. As far as her as an individual, I have no opinion I have yet to see any of her films nor have I seen/read any interviews. I'm enjoying my ignorance.
She is alright. Too many tats.
i didn't care much about her until i saw Jennifer's Body. that bitch is out of control sexy
yea i dont like her at all... its actually her attitude thats a big turn-off
shame cuz shes really beautiful and could have been great...
ya im split between too...its her cocky attitude that's a turn off, but don't get me wrong she's drop dead gorgeous in that first picture. the rest are ok
i definitely didn't think of her as amaaaazingly pretty until her nylon's cover.i think she shouldn't abuse the fake tan.her natural fair skin makes her eye color stand out in a lovely way.
she's... i wouldn't say 'pretty' but like guy hot. i think she just looks evil, and she reminds me of this obnoxiously bitchy conniving girl in my high school... hah.
i think she's definitely guy-hot. i don't dislike her but i've never actually seen her act in anything since i promised myself i wouldn't see transformers and jennifer's body probably won't be released in nz for about another year!
she is beautiful just with a bad attitude i think.
great music too btw :)
Ooooooh God her again? ;) haha no in a good way I like her she is so pretty and I hate her for not being able to be as confident with my own sex appeal, or around boys, but her confident bass-ass-attitude is freaking hot and I like that she really doesnt dress overtly sexual in reaL LIFE... jeans boots and jackets. KICK ASS MEGAN. But she needs a stylist to help her---- just a little.
ETA. I'm slightly less jealous since she is 'TAKEN' and off 'the market' from our boys...
HI. hate the tatoos love the bod hate the acting. BYE.
I think she's awesome. The eyes get me too and that attitude is killer. x
She just oozes sex
So must girls hate her and call her a slut and most guys love her!
Personally I think shes gorgeous but yeah her attitude is a bit off..
Megan's definitely hot, but I was never really a fan of her... she looks a bit TOO unreal sometimes, haha
ahhh lovelovelove in a hidden-girl-crushy way ;)
Did you see SNL?
whoever does her eyebrows is a true maiestro!
x oriwa editorial
i just adore her for her beauty . not much of a fan of her attitude .
her brows and hair is making me crazy . its too good to be true.
I think she is pretty.
I know the guys think she's super hot. But I think it's just because she has become so big, and a lot of people just go with what other people are saying. If you would see her on the street, and she wouldn't be known you might say aahh.. she's pretty but you wouldn't be so upsest with her !
agh. i can't stand her.
not because of her looks.
i just hate how she bitched about michael bay.
when he kick started her career.that's kind of dead now anyway since jennifer's body BOMBED.
it's the same for katherine heigl who bitched about how knocked up was sexist.
if you don't like it, QUIT.
but Megan Fox is pretty.I like how she has tattoos.
just...so ANNOYING!
Like Angelina Jolie, even if you are a woman, you can't hate her...she's SO attractive!
Love her! Free to speak your mind and dun care abt the repercussions attitude :D
Im secretly obsessed with her, she is so gorgeous!
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