The glitzy chandelier, her backless dress, the angle. I'm so inspired and in love with this photo. Love it!
I do not claim to own any of these images and give appropriate credit to their sole owners.*However, I do tend to resize, alter the coloring or simply Photoshop them to look their best.
Please credit me when used.Thank you, Cat Wallace.
thank you, you're the sweet one =] and new outfit update soon! THIS IS GORGEOUS. I always found her so pretty in Devil Wears Prada. Her accent is cute as well<3
people have told me a few times that i "look like the bitch from devil wear's prada." this is her isn't it? hahah..
love this song too. seeing them at bonnaroo this summer.
She is stunning.
Oh God, so stunning. So so so stunning.
OMG!!!amazing dress!!!i want it so dadly:)i am linking u dear right now!!kisses HANDE...
she looks so pretty there!!
love her
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