All things of beauty, creative in design or just really, really cool. :)
(sources: tfs, cobrasnake, yayeveryday, ilovefake, Vogue, ffffound)
I do not claim to own any of these images and give appropriate credit to their sole owners.*However, I do tend to resize, alter the coloring or simply Photoshop them to look their best.
Please credit me when used.Thank you, Cat Wallace.
I love the explosion of fresh summer colors on the first picture, from nail polish, to playsuits!
mmm, the first pic is my faaaave b/c the girls are sooo uniqjuely pretty, the middle one is wearing braces, and i love her nail polish ;))) yeees
Insane colors in the first. Beautiful, dramatic black and white in the others. Fabulous!
Love the colors of first pic ;)
love the first pic...has inspired me to infuse a bit more color into my wardrobe!
Ahhh hot nails
great pics!!
love the first one the most!!
Hook The Look
love the colors in the first pic!
these are some really amazing photos.
this is so great, i love the photography xx
These are all great pictures. And the thigh high sheer boot whatever things in the bottom photo freaks me out a bit, but I'm pretty sure that cape could find a very happy home in my closet.
this photography is wonderful... love the first picture
your blog is so amazing. exchange links?
*love lara
I LOVE the second and third outfits. so good.x
I love the first pic too bc the young models are being allowed to act their age-very refreshing and done beautifully.
Tres cute!
check out http://the-elk.blogspot.com/
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