
Good Morning, Abbey

I like staying in my warm bed for 20 extra minutes listening to the Beatles on my clock radio before actually getting up. Sometimes I pretend I'm in Australia or Paris...



Anonymous said...

i like staying in bed and checking my emails before i wake up to my daily routines :)

fashion clocked said...

sounds like me every morning stealing extra minutes! abbey is such a beauty and i adore this shot- thanks.Katie.x
fashion clocked

SAMANTHA said...

beauty - me too, or "good morning sunshine" on my record player :) plus bringing my computer to my bed and checking my daily list of blogs like yours!


X said...

Pretending I'm in Paris is a daily habit.


Cylia said...

I snooze my alarm clock for at least 30 minutes:p


I lay in bed an extra 10 minutes reading: twitter, bloglovin' and tumblr. ahah! no music though... and who wouldn't want to dream they are in Paris?!! ;)

x X

Phil said...

I like to leave the alarm clock to ring half an hour before getting up :-) I love the picture!

Memento Vivere said...

It's the best way to start a Saturday! :)


Memento Vivere

Kate Rose said...

I love to check all my updates, listening to happy music, waiting for the heating to make my place nice and warm before I get up


Kate Rose said...

I love to check all my updates, listening to happy music, waiting for the heating to make my place nice and warm before I get up


Jane said...

that is what i usually do - stay in bed, listen to music, check my e-mails...

@ said...

Me too! :) it's my favourite activity :D and my mobile plays Beatles too! :D
best alarm forever! :)
this month it is my morning song song "Good day sunshine")

And beautiful photo!!!

callahan said...

imagine waking up and looking like that! x

Mayflower said...

Such a cute pic! xx

Maria said...

Dear author, You are so like me :))

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Thank you, Cat Wallace.
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