Natasha is the quintessential cutie. While Wang is simply divine.

2 loves.
AHHHHH finals are KILLING me softly & ever so slowlyyy. More updating soon. Promised, fingers crossed and all that.
I do not claim to own any of these images and give appropriate credit to their sole owners.*However, I do tend to resize, alter the coloring or simply Photoshop them to look their best.
Please credit me when used.Thank you, Cat Wallace.
Thank you for the lovely comment dear...it made my day.
I LOVE these two with my life...I actually saw them during fashion night out. I made this shirt that they adored..and now I have a life size picture of the three of us + magdelena & hanne above my bed TRUE STORY! i was so overwhelmed i didn't even realize that her arm was around my shoulder.
I died.
keep having breakfast at barneys.
mlle. mode
YES TO BOTH Wang & Poly <3
And Look! I'm in good Company! :)
We're both on StyleCaster, did you see yet. here
Thanks for your sweet pleasantries, dear.
I hope you get some relaxing in once your finals are over! Love the photos.
Gosh good luck with the rest of your finals. natasha is just freaking heaven! x
could Alexander Wang be any cuter? omg
cute poses by natasha! looks like she's just being herself :)
coolest cats in town.
LOVE THIS PIC! a.wang is magical.
ps i too am suffering through finals, should be studying right nowwww HA
fall in love with miroslava duma:
alexander is divine, not only his clothes as himself. beautiful and so sexy.
groovin' to ratatat. awesome. love the pics! peace.
I heart Natasha Poly! She's really made a name for herself...I love the side-swept braid.
wow natasha and alex are the best combination ever!! xx
te amo,
your blog is EPIC!
love this post! natasha poly is amazing! :)
and good luck with finals :)
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According to Harper's Baazar, "People have taken to him (Alexander Wang) because he's CUTE, first of all, and young, cool, and hip and very nice to deal with."
Alex is absolutely GORGEOUS, charismatic, talented, adorable and down-to-earth to boot.
"Everyone knows you as this cool guy who the girls like to hang out with [Wang laughs], but what is so impressive is how mature you actually are even though you like to party. How clear, how hardworking, how intelligent, and how very human..." (Diane von Fürstenberg)
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