
Pink makes its comeback!

Adriana Lima and Alexa Chung; making pink proud! Can I please have Adriana's legs and Alexa's dress? Thank you! :)

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stephanie said...

love all of these.
soft, fluttery pink.

i r e a l l y wish i could touch that giambattista gown!


Juliana said...

I always kept my Victoria's Secret catalogs to secretly try and copy Adriana's sexy modeling stare and pout lol she's so damn cute though.

Pretty dress on the 3rd girl in the photo!


stephanie said...

of course! thanks, lady ;)


alina said...

the second one is so sexay yeOW ;)

Anonymous said...

i LOVE that second picture!!

I need some brogues...

Unknown said...

loooooooooove baby pink. alexa chung is so inspirational - her quirky style is definitely worth emulating. and that dress is my dress-up dream

phamzy said...

the dress is amazing...
hmmm, i wish i were tall like adriana!


Kiki said...

adriana's socks are too cute...

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*However, I do tend to resize, alter the coloring or simply Photoshop them to look their best.

Please credit me when used.
Thank you, Cat Wallace.
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